Aug 2009
Yet John realized that there was something about Jesus that dwarfed his own potential greatness. John’s confession, though brief, is actually a key to life – he is more powerful than I am. ...
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Yet John realized that there was something about Jesus that dwarfed his own potential greatness. John’s confession, though brief, is actually a key to life – he is more powerful than I am. ...
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What does it mean to be Missional? Luke 5:27-39 27 After this he went out and saw a tax collector named Levi, sitting at the tax booth. And he said to him, “Follow me.” 28 And leaving everything, he rose and followed him. 29 And Levi made him a great feast in his house, and there was a large company of tax collectors and others reclining at table with them. 30 And the Pharisees and their scribes grumbled at his disciples, saying, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and......
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The ultimate target group for Grace Church of Philly is simply ‘people who need Jesus.’...
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The gospel is not a lesser, unrefined, more elemental understanding of God’s work of redemption. The gospel is deeper and broader than any biblical theology or systematic theology....
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To oppress anyone, especially the disadvantaged, is to show the utmost disrespect for human life. To oppress others, especially the disadvantaged, is to live in blatant violation of the second greatest commandment, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." To oppress others or to fail to deliver them from oppression is contrary to the call of the gospel.
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Sin, Creation, and the Gospel Dr. John P. Davis A biblical view of the created world and of the Christian’s relationship to the created world depends upon how one views sin in relation to creation. In Genesis 1-2 the created order is designated as good. Human sin does not exist within God’s handiwork. “Sin, an alien invasion of creation, is completely foreign to God’s purposes for his creation” (Wolters, 48). When sin entered through Satan’s deception, all of creation became ensnared in the throes of abnormality and distortion. However, Scripture......
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Stop jumping through hoops! Dr. John P. Davis The phrase “jumping through hoops” provokes the image of a circus where a man with a top hat and cane orchestrates clowns and animals that jump through hoops of flames for the entertainment of others. They have been trained for this exercise of entertainment and respond obsequiously to the motions of the Circus master. “Jumping through hoops” is an idiom that implies “trying to meet exacting expectations.” It also implies that the behavior is so well trained that mature thought and reflection may not......
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I believe that theological reflection, formulation, and interaction are healthy for the believer and the church and that they serve to refine one’s understanding of what biblical texts say about what God has done, is doing and will ultimately do in this world and the world to come. ...
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We may live today assuming that we have plenty of time to think about cleansing, forgiveness, serving God, and eternity. Unpredictable, calamitous, life-ending events remind us that we all live either on the brink of eternity with Christ or on the brink of eternity in hell. None who perish in disaster enter upon the day with the forethought that as a Christian this may be my last day and I’ll meet my Savior, or as one who rejects the Lordship of Christ, today my life will end abruptly and I will wake up......
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What determines the true value of my life’s work? John Davis The apparent success of the wicked and the seeming triumph of evil may lead us to ask questions about God and about the investment of our lives. We may not verbalize these questions; nevertheless there are real questions that arise. Have you ever asked these questions? Does it pay to do the right thing? Does living for Christ really matter? Does it really matter what I invest my life in as long as I’m happy doing it? In Habakkuk 2:12-13 the......
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